Monday, February 22, 2010

Repost from the Myspace Blog.

I won't say that I have a dream.

Or the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

I am not a child of triviality; to begin a speech with a speech in mind is indulgence. What follows emerges from the ether, as I have no incorrigible agenda that I am aware of.

But I am building something. It's more of a structure than a dream, an ideal based on practicality; a pragmatic entity. A symbiotic relationship between humans and humans.

We are the Guard, nothing more. We are humans, made of dirt, and desire, filth and elation, flesh and cravings. We are no better than you.

We ARE you.

I want you to imagine for a moment, a world full of soldiers of expression. We can be light and dark, weird or normal. We are everywhere, all of you, none of you. We are inside you, if you allow yourself to become truth. If you live for true life.

So long have we been stumbling around, performing atrocities to one another due to self-deception. Patting one another on the back for small victories is fine; seeking recognition for those victories is not.

But to protect you is to protect myself; We are winding our way towards a singularity. That singularity glares us in the face as we look down the barrel of a gun, or up the long, twisted blade at our own demise. It chases us in our sleep. If we do not become, we do not exist. If we do not become ourselves, then who are we?

We must excel. We must evolve.

But that is not to say that we should think ourselves better than what we are. For down in the dirt lies the truth, that nothing is as it seems and every movement is important. No lesson is below us. No moment unimportant.

We will expand. We will merge with the world gone mad, and out of the madness we will be hardened, yet made flexible, to the needs of all. We must become humanity.

As an outsider, this might be foreign to some of us. We have never fit in; as hunters we never will. But in order to find the opposite avatars, we have to first hone the hunter...

Train. Experience. Burn the brain-death away. You feel it. It's brain death, that slowness in your perceptions. Too much distraction from the nature of oneself. We have taken too much leave of humanity. Become Wakefulness...

And then fall back into the waters of reality.

We will be the ouroboros, the continuation of the never-ending drum beat.

We are the Guard. We hunt the predators. That is all.

We are not Superheroes. We are real life, we are the history of humanity calling up through the depths to reclaim a world that has forgotten how to unchain itself.

From the Earth, to the Heart, to the Hand, to the Death.

Ascension from the Descent. De Soto In Su.

Hear my call.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Real Movement.

Let's get this over with.

The RLSH community is not the center of the Movement. By definition, the RLSH community is self-serving, self-promoting, and in the end, self-aggrandizing.

Sorry guys, but it's the truth. I've been in the community for quite a while, and every guy or girl worried a little more about what color spandex to wear than about losing the beer gut is a LOUD indicator.

(that's a trivial and harsh comment, but just know that it's simply an allegory for a larger problem. Like worrying more about image than intent).

Recently the HN was plundered of it's written past. Thousands of comments were deleted by Tothian and Master Legend. Useful comments, but simply comments nonetheless.

After this incident, we took on a new motto, due to the fallen Setzer's posts being lost forever by the deletion.

"Esse Quam Videri"
"To be, rather than to seem to be."
-Cisero, 129 BCE. *Favorite quote of the late Setzer.

This means a great deal to me. I cannot say it any simpler. I try to live by this.

I never claimed to be a hero. No one should.

Which is the reason for this sentiment, right here, right now.

The RLSH'ers are not the movement. They are a branch of it, yes, but they can't be the center. They're too fundamentally flawed, not by who they are, but by what they do, and who they associate with. You are who you allow, in the end.

I'm done with whatever this was. Z is not the mask, Z is me.

While I will certainly not be posting pictures of my face, due to my past outings with the mask, I am hereby officially giving notice of intent:

I am starting a movement. All who help are welcome, but be warned; I will not be kind to those who attempt to poison it with their shameless self-promotion, petty drama, or dramatic overuse of a persona to the point of unreality.

"It's not always about you. In fact, it's never about you."

Very good line.

I am in league with anyone that wants to help, including those part of the RLSH (who can aid with manpower and knowledge, if nothing else), RLSV (to publicly demote immoral spectacles within the RLSH community), or anyone else willing to devote their life, or a good chunk of time and determination, to this cause.

All are welcome to live.

Comfort Zones.

So I thought maybe it's time to start cataloging my thoughts on this blog. I've never had a journal, really, until recently. I've never felt comfortable enough with telling people anything. But now that I'm pretty much public, I've screwed the pooch on going back underground, at least as Z.

So, while these won't be as aggressive or as controversial as my other posts (I think, and hope, since I'm pretty much over the RLSH community as the center of the movement), there should still be some good discourse here. And i've unlocked the comments section, if anyone feels the need to chime in.

So here's the deal: I'm a radical. Always have been, always will be. I think in terms of change, I break down borders and rules (within a moral code), and I refuse to accept the everyday life lies.

I'm, by definition, a radical. No other way to say it.

So, I think i can see why some people would want nothing to do with me. I represent self inspection, and improvement by destruction of safe sensibilities. And as we all know, self inspection is something the RLSH do not do enough of, as a whole. If they did, i don't think they'd be saying or claiming the things they do.

Or maybe they just have a skewed sense of what's acceptable. That's understandable, in a world full of different types of parenting. You get all kinds.

Not my point, at least not this time (maybe next post.)

My point is, I'm somewhat comfortable with the being the FOX news of the RLSH community. The world needs a "safe" branch to turn to. And they definitely keep it safe, no matter what the truth. Sorry to be so blunt, but well... it's the truth.

They sacrifice truth for peace.

They're very polite, and they accept a lot of different people into their ranks, but that's not always a good thing. Nonetheless, it's one solution to a problem that will no doubt come up later.

The Heroes Network is a bit different, albeit still as flawed. They sacrifice peace for truth (duh.) They discuss things of a more controversial nature, allow all conversations to be talked through, and generally don't put up with the types of people the RLSH does.

It's easy to see why Zeta and DG would not want to be aligned with them (us). They're secretive, edgier, and definitely not super-media friendly. But using the excuse "they advocate vigilantism" is not enough, especially when you're endorsing a movie about superhero kids killing people. But that drama is over, so I won't dwell there.

You can sort of see where my preferences lie, just by my tone here. While neither one is perfect, the attitude of the HN just rings true to me. And it will be that attitude that brings change in the world, as controversy always has.

But i don't discount that the will be a part of it, as well. I just find myself afraid for the future sometimes, due to choices I see made. I don't want to see this crash and burn before it even gets started.

So sue me if I'm a little abrasive about it sometimes, we're all in the same boat, unfortunately, and some of us have more at stake in the long run.