Sunday, April 4, 2010

Disappointed in you guys.

RLSV, I am very disappointed in you.

Justin Massler, Cloud Starchaser. Google. Now.

There's enough info out there that I don't even have to write a damn blog. This guy was an original RLSH and a good friend of Tothian.

All this shit just got serious. It's a first step. Time to show the world who we are, and who we're NOT.

We are not the Justin Masslers. And we need to cut the cancers like him from the movement.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Ok, since a lot of you assume that you know what I do and how I feel about crime, allow me to make this as clear as possible. I truly hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears, because I'm making an effort to reach out here. Bear with me, it may seem like I'm getting off topic, but trust me when I say it's all related.

Drugs: I don't care about drugs. Drugs are a symptom of the problem. People do drugs because they want an escape from the normality and minutiae of life. Why?

...Because nothing is constant, not many are trustworthy, and generally, it is simply not accepted to fully be yourself in society. Which is a longer point in itself, I have to say. So many things about the self should not be indulged, but what I'm talking about here is the creative, wild spirit. The spirit that is capable of incredible things when encouraged, and terrible things when bottled.

Being bottled (financially, socially, politically, or just generally) is what leads to violence. Violence is what I am attempting to neutralize.

There are some situations I don't even get involved in. Some people are very capable of working things out for themselves, and honestly, some need to be knocked the hell out by a guy that they're visibly oppressing. But I've only ever let those guys get one or two hits in before I stop it.

Most of the time, I find myself neutralizing the situation with diplomacy or distractions. If one asks questions of an angered person about themselves, the angered and often inebriated or otherwise intoxicated person will experience a moment of ego rapture, in which some of their anger will fade and they will engage you in conversation. When they do this, it's best to either include the opponent in the catharsis (but only if he can be unbiased, and in my experience it's surprisingly frequent that they can suddenly turn into wise men) or subtly motion for them to walk away quietly. At this point I will continue the conversation for as long as the angered person needs.

It is not just a ploy, to talk to them. This is part of the issue. I've rarely left a willing-to-talk assailant before they actually felt better. It's just something I've always done. It's half the job.

This has worked for me more times than I can count. Although, there have been other incidents. And I think you know what I mean. Incidents in which it was impossible for any logic, or reason, to cool the situation. In these instances, I have my steel bracers for punches or weapons, simply defensive weapons which is the reason i feel no need to carry anything else. Defending myself is entirely legal.

Bait patrols. A walking person, dressed in expensive clothing and carrying an iPhone or a Blackberry, is deployed into a problem neighborhood (according to up to date stats). A team of trained NY Initiative members shadow them as they roll around, enjoying each other's company and the hunt, until said Bait is attacked by an assailant. NYI then neutralize the attacker as peacefully as possible. According to NY Law (Good Samaritan), this is legal. It is also a really good way to draw out people who might have done this before, or will do it again, and have them put away. Further surveillance on the attacker can often result in more serious offenses being recorded or neutralized.

Although we do not have a vehicle at this time (the subway is too cheap to bother), this also works well with leaving a car unlocked at night. Make sure the car is disabled first, though.

The police that I have been in contact with encourage this. They know who we are, and what we do. We are not vigilantes if we are working in accordance with the law.

But I digress, really.

The real goal of the NYI is going to be providing a better communication network for Help Resources. A lot of organizations form with a sort of idealistic fervor, always thinking that they will be the one that revolutionizes the world... but their hubris (and being so dead-busy with all the paperwork required to run a solid org) blinds them from seeing the truth:

No one organization can ever change things. It's going to take a tactician to organize where and when to utilize which applications (i.e. organizations.) In this way, we can not only provide assistance on the street, but also personal and guaranteed levels of follow up to the people in need.

Whether it be the car thief that goes to jail, and still needs to feed his family. We'll help him.

Or it may be the drug addict that is always *this close* to being clean, if only he had somewhere to go. We'll help him.

...Or. It might be the child molester that might be the next Einstein. If only people would stop turning their backs on him, he might be carrying something that can REALLY change the world.

As much as I might want to, I can't write anyone off. I can't ignore the fact that people need to be redeemed, and nearly everyone in the world CAN be redeemed.

(You could interrupt at this point and say, "Why not just let social services take care of these problems?"

... In which case, I would bite my tongue and try not to call you naive. I'd really try.

The reality is that social services isn't covering everything. Another solid fact is that social services requires money somewhere along the line, and that means that someone has control of that organization. Plain and simple. I'm not interested in being controlled by those kinds of unquantifiable elements. I know what I'm capable of, and I'm incorruptible because i don't make a profit. Trust me. I've been tested on this. Money means nothing to me.

Add to this, social services doesn't actively patrol the streets looking for people to help. We (the NYI) have a member who is, as I write, in class to be an EMT. So we will have a field medic with the next two months or so.

I myself have begun the process of applying to the NYPD, for the training. Whether or not I decide to become a police officer when the training is complete, remains to be seen. It's entirely possible.)

Again, digressing. Back to the subject of good/evil, and the grey areas, this is why the majority of RLSH don't work. They are part of an idea that puts bad people in that category for life. All they want to do is bash the baddies and look good doing it. I can't hang with that kind of mentality.

I also can't hang with how fresh-faced and virtually untrained they are. They look at it as a weekend warrior kind of thing, reserved for weekly jaunts about their suburban neighborhood. The NYI lives in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Brooklyn. East New York is as specific as I'll get, but those who know me know why I moved here. I could have lived in Williamsburg, or North Bushwick, or maybe the East Village.

I didn't. I chose this place so that I could never forget, and my patrol is every day of my life. I am a lifer.

Let me say that another way: I have chosen to make this my entire life, either until I die or until I find someone both more passionate about it and more innovative with its execution. And my goal is to use underground media and word of mouth to spread the idea of accountability, vigilance, and real, human justice (not violent, vigilante justice) to the human race like a fucking virus. My hope is that on the way there, I can replace myself as the organizer of the NYI before I'm 50.

If i could live in a place like San Diego, Cali, working on movie sets and costuming, drinking 10 dollar cocktails at ridiculously-themed bars, I'd be there (God forbid, lol). I have the tools to get there, but I never felt the push to be comfortable like that. I need to be in the worst parts of the world, Southern PA, Detroit, East New York, and wherever's next. I need to because I think I have a plan, and I want to make sure I never forget the reality.

I just want to make sure I never forget what I am.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

RLSH FLip-Out News: Master Legend

I'll make this quick, easy, and unbiased.

Posted by a newbie RLSH named Atavistik:

"RLSHSF 2010- an event coinciding with San Francisco Gay Pride

This event is pretty much an informal meet and greet/opportunity to patrol together. It's June 26-27, though there is a chance that 8 and myself(Atavistik) will be arriving on Friday.

The events we want to work around are "Pink Saturday" and the LGTB Pride Parade the following day. Most likely catching the sights and doing our thing. Like I said, this is informal (hopefully the basis for an annual though, with a more RLSH Event criteria) but we are not ruling out possible hand-outs if we can swing it.

If you are interested you can contact us at MySpace under Hero Zero-RLSH Group (not a group page btw) Atavistik on facebook or RLSHspace, or on the RLSH.Net Forum via PM. I'll give everyone going a list of who plans on showing and contact info for us.

8 suggested for hotel listings

If you plan on going, book soon. It's hard to get a room last minute.

WARNING; This is not an event for kids or those with delicate sensibilities. This is an alternative lifestyle event (we are not alternative, just support their right to free choice) so there will be a lot of exposed skin, as well as fetishes.

DISCLAIMER; We are in no way affiliated with the city or event staff. This is a Hero Zero Zeppelin if it smells like smoke....... it's probably too late to run"

Response by Master Legend:

"do you not see this is like a gateway drug to even worst immorality.i tell you this because i care and i can rest easy knowing i tried to warn you.i don't care if people want to hate me for being a man of the bible but the bible is not all my reason.can you not see the sickness that leads to death.this is just want to praise disgust and evil and call it freedom? whats next, child molester pride day? hey it's freedom so that gives me the freedom to say the truth.i don't feel sorry for them or praise this.i also have the freedom to destroy this evil.
i can not believe that this is not seen. (sic)"

I don't think I need to say more. This is in the public area of the, but I'm sure it will eventually disappear. Zetaman has a habit of backing the wrong horse every time.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pulling Double Duty: RLSH Flip-Out News.

This blog will now also be a Real Info platform, since the has been burying some serious problems with it's censorship as of late.

Offender: Eric Toth, AKA "Tothian"
Offense: Threatened to phone into Superhero's place of employment with the fabrication that Superhero himself was intending to go on a shooting spree at his own job.

Here's a brief overview of the messages between Toth and Supes.

"You're fat and you're a faggot. That's why you have to post so many pics with you and all the women you meet."

"If you don't be my friend, I'll tell everyone you're a nut with a gun who wants to shoot everybody."

If anyone has any information about threats, racist remarks, bigoted remarks, or anything not befitting of a "real life superhero" that has been swept under the rug by the admins over at the, this is your arena in which to do so. Simply leave me a comment here and I'll do some research into your claims, and take care of it. Anyone who wants to contact me privately to retain their anonymity, you can contact me at

Monday, February 22, 2010

Repost from the Myspace Blog.

I won't say that I have a dream.

Or the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

I am not a child of triviality; to begin a speech with a speech in mind is indulgence. What follows emerges from the ether, as I have no incorrigible agenda that I am aware of.

But I am building something. It's more of a structure than a dream, an ideal based on practicality; a pragmatic entity. A symbiotic relationship between humans and humans.

We are the Guard, nothing more. We are humans, made of dirt, and desire, filth and elation, flesh and cravings. We are no better than you.

We ARE you.

I want you to imagine for a moment, a world full of soldiers of expression. We can be light and dark, weird or normal. We are everywhere, all of you, none of you. We are inside you, if you allow yourself to become truth. If you live for true life.

So long have we been stumbling around, performing atrocities to one another due to self-deception. Patting one another on the back for small victories is fine; seeking recognition for those victories is not.

But to protect you is to protect myself; We are winding our way towards a singularity. That singularity glares us in the face as we look down the barrel of a gun, or up the long, twisted blade at our own demise. It chases us in our sleep. If we do not become, we do not exist. If we do not become ourselves, then who are we?

We must excel. We must evolve.

But that is not to say that we should think ourselves better than what we are. For down in the dirt lies the truth, that nothing is as it seems and every movement is important. No lesson is below us. No moment unimportant.

We will expand. We will merge with the world gone mad, and out of the madness we will be hardened, yet made flexible, to the needs of all. We must become humanity.

As an outsider, this might be foreign to some of us. We have never fit in; as hunters we never will. But in order to find the opposite avatars, we have to first hone the hunter...

Train. Experience. Burn the brain-death away. You feel it. It's brain death, that slowness in your perceptions. Too much distraction from the nature of oneself. We have taken too much leave of humanity. Become Wakefulness...

And then fall back into the waters of reality.

We will be the ouroboros, the continuation of the never-ending drum beat.

We are the Guard. We hunt the predators. That is all.

We are not Superheroes. We are real life, we are the history of humanity calling up through the depths to reclaim a world that has forgotten how to unchain itself.

From the Earth, to the Heart, to the Hand, to the Death.

Ascension from the Descent. De Soto In Su.

Hear my call.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Real Movement.

Let's get this over with.

The RLSH community is not the center of the Movement. By definition, the RLSH community is self-serving, self-promoting, and in the end, self-aggrandizing.

Sorry guys, but it's the truth. I've been in the community for quite a while, and every guy or girl worried a little more about what color spandex to wear than about losing the beer gut is a LOUD indicator.

(that's a trivial and harsh comment, but just know that it's simply an allegory for a larger problem. Like worrying more about image than intent).

Recently the HN was plundered of it's written past. Thousands of comments were deleted by Tothian and Master Legend. Useful comments, but simply comments nonetheless.

After this incident, we took on a new motto, due to the fallen Setzer's posts being lost forever by the deletion.

"Esse Quam Videri"
"To be, rather than to seem to be."
-Cisero, 129 BCE. *Favorite quote of the late Setzer.

This means a great deal to me. I cannot say it any simpler. I try to live by this.

I never claimed to be a hero. No one should.

Which is the reason for this sentiment, right here, right now.

The RLSH'ers are not the movement. They are a branch of it, yes, but they can't be the center. They're too fundamentally flawed, not by who they are, but by what they do, and who they associate with. You are who you allow, in the end.

I'm done with whatever this was. Z is not the mask, Z is me.

While I will certainly not be posting pictures of my face, due to my past outings with the mask, I am hereby officially giving notice of intent:

I am starting a movement. All who help are welcome, but be warned; I will not be kind to those who attempt to poison it with their shameless self-promotion, petty drama, or dramatic overuse of a persona to the point of unreality.

"It's not always about you. In fact, it's never about you."

Very good line.

I am in league with anyone that wants to help, including those part of the RLSH (who can aid with manpower and knowledge, if nothing else), RLSV (to publicly demote immoral spectacles within the RLSH community), or anyone else willing to devote their life, or a good chunk of time and determination, to this cause.

All are welcome to live.

Comfort Zones.

So I thought maybe it's time to start cataloging my thoughts on this blog. I've never had a journal, really, until recently. I've never felt comfortable enough with telling people anything. But now that I'm pretty much public, I've screwed the pooch on going back underground, at least as Z.

So, while these won't be as aggressive or as controversial as my other posts (I think, and hope, since I'm pretty much over the RLSH community as the center of the movement), there should still be some good discourse here. And i've unlocked the comments section, if anyone feels the need to chime in.

So here's the deal: I'm a radical. Always have been, always will be. I think in terms of change, I break down borders and rules (within a moral code), and I refuse to accept the everyday life lies.

I'm, by definition, a radical. No other way to say it.

So, I think i can see why some people would want nothing to do with me. I represent self inspection, and improvement by destruction of safe sensibilities. And as we all know, self inspection is something the RLSH do not do enough of, as a whole. If they did, i don't think they'd be saying or claiming the things they do.

Or maybe they just have a skewed sense of what's acceptable. That's understandable, in a world full of different types of parenting. You get all kinds.

Not my point, at least not this time (maybe next post.)

My point is, I'm somewhat comfortable with the being the FOX news of the RLSH community. The world needs a "safe" branch to turn to. And they definitely keep it safe, no matter what the truth. Sorry to be so blunt, but well... it's the truth.

They sacrifice truth for peace.

They're very polite, and they accept a lot of different people into their ranks, but that's not always a good thing. Nonetheless, it's one solution to a problem that will no doubt come up later.

The Heroes Network is a bit different, albeit still as flawed. They sacrifice peace for truth (duh.) They discuss things of a more controversial nature, allow all conversations to be talked through, and generally don't put up with the types of people the RLSH does.

It's easy to see why Zeta and DG would not want to be aligned with them (us). They're secretive, edgier, and definitely not super-media friendly. But using the excuse "they advocate vigilantism" is not enough, especially when you're endorsing a movie about superhero kids killing people. But that drama is over, so I won't dwell there.

You can sort of see where my preferences lie, just by my tone here. While neither one is perfect, the attitude of the HN just rings true to me. And it will be that attitude that brings change in the world, as controversy always has.

But i don't discount that the will be a part of it, as well. I just find myself afraid for the future sometimes, due to choices I see made. I don't want to see this crash and burn before it even gets started.

So sue me if I'm a little abrasive about it sometimes, we're all in the same boat, unfortunately, and some of us have more at stake in the long run.