Tuesday, March 23, 2010

RLSH FLip-Out News: Master Legend

I'll make this quick, easy, and unbiased.

Posted by a newbie RLSH named Atavistik:

"RLSHSF 2010- an event coinciding with San Francisco Gay Pride

This event is pretty much an informal meet and greet/opportunity to patrol together. It's June 26-27, though there is a chance that 8 and myself(Atavistik) will be arriving on Friday.

The events we want to work around are "Pink Saturday" and the LGTB Pride Parade the following day. Most likely catching the sights and doing our thing. Like I said, this is informal (hopefully the basis for an annual though, with a more RLSH Event criteria) but we are not ruling out possible hand-outs if we can swing it.

If you are interested you can contact us at MySpace under Hero Zero-RLSH Group (not a group page btw) Atavistik on facebook or RLSHspace, or on the RLSH.Net Forum via PM. I'll give everyone going a list of who plans on showing and contact info for us.

8 suggested Hotwire.com for hotel listings

If you plan on going, book soon. It's hard to get a room last minute.

WARNING; This is not an event for kids or those with delicate sensibilities. This is an alternative lifestyle event (we are not alternative, just support their right to free choice) so there will be a lot of exposed skin, as well as fetishes.

DISCLAIMER; We are in no way affiliated with the city or event staff. This is a Hero Zero Zeppelin if it smells like smoke....... it's probably too late to run"

Response by Master Legend:

"do you not see this is like a gateway drug to even worst immorality.i tell you this because i care and i can rest easy knowing i tried to warn you.i don't care if people want to hate me for being a man of the bible but the bible is not all my reason.can you not see the sickness that leads to death.this is just horrible.you want to praise disgust and evil and call it freedom? whats next, child molester pride day? hey it's freedom so that gives me the freedom to say the truth.i don't feel sorry for them or praise this.i also have the freedom to destroy this evil.
i can not believe that this is not seen. (sic)"

I don't think I need to say more. This is in the public area of the RLSH.net, but I'm sure it will eventually disappear. Zetaman has a habit of backing the wrong horse every time.


  1. Wow. I thought I had already heard the worst of Master Legend's zany bullshit, but as usual he never ceases to surprise me. What with comparing gays to child molesters and calling pride rallies "evil" that must be destroyed it's no wonder he's still the most exploitable of the capes by folks outside the community. Stay classy, ML.

    Once again, Z, your truthful posts have earned you my respect and interest in exposing more light on the dark underbelly of this community, not just for my own exploitative needs as a villain, but for the betterment of future heroes. Especially with Kick-Ass right around the corner, now is the best time for some Spring-cleaning.

    I take back all the stupid horse shit I originally said about you.

  2. I can see this pimple growing and growing on the back of the RLSH body, and it sure is ugly. Master Legend is a nagging pain in the stomach, and no matter what you do, and no matter what you try it doesn't go away. You are very right Z, and again I must agree with you, get rid of the illness not the symptoms. More and more people will take the community as a joke if those that are the joke are not removed. Those out there costumed in their endeavors have it hard enough, but he makes it worse. I think I may start a page dedicated to ridding the RLSH community of ML, doing whatever it takes, anyone want to join?

  3. Malvado, I take back anything I may have said about you. Because this is what I'm talking about
    the ability to change your mind and be up front about it, is a beautiful thing

    Virus, I'm with you.
    Those who do good for their community even if they do it in a funny costume should not have to suffer for Master Legend's sins

    Also Thank you Z for bringing this up
    And I look forward to as much as you can find that will get these two in particularly out of this community I will see about contacting you privately about more of ML's greatest hits

  4. Master Legend sets off my Gaydar.

    Just sayin'.

  5. Yeah, he always kind of came off as severely closeted to me, too.

  6. Poor man... dominated by his religious beliefs rather than logical ones.

    I almost feel bad... almost. Then I realize what a tool he is. I don't mind if someone is stupid, just don't be AGGRESSIVELY STUPID.

  7. I have some interesting information regarding Tothian I wish to share with you. Some things that have come to my attention through my sources and that have been confirmed may be of help to you.

  8. Mmm Sounds juicy, can't wait to hear it

    Turn Coat
