Monday, March 22, 2010

Pulling Double Duty: RLSH Flip-Out News.

This blog will now also be a Real Info platform, since the has been burying some serious problems with it's censorship as of late.

Offender: Eric Toth, AKA "Tothian"
Offense: Threatened to phone into Superhero's place of employment with the fabrication that Superhero himself was intending to go on a shooting spree at his own job.

Here's a brief overview of the messages between Toth and Supes.

"You're fat and you're a faggot. That's why you have to post so many pics with you and all the women you meet."

"If you don't be my friend, I'll tell everyone you're a nut with a gun who wants to shoot everybody."

If anyone has any information about threats, racist remarks, bigoted remarks, or anything not befitting of a "real life superhero" that has been swept under the rug by the admins over at the, this is your arena in which to do so. Simply leave me a comment here and I'll do some research into your claims, and take care of it. Anyone who wants to contact me privately to retain their anonymity, you can contact me at


  1. I never thought I'd say this, but great topic, Z. This would indeed be a fine topic to discuss amongst the villains frequenting my BlogTalkRadio show. I invite you to try and join us this week!

    Also, hypocrisy is something that seems to run rampart in the higher-ups of the RLSH community. There most certainly needs to be someone whom is willing to report on the truth and shovel away all of the piled-on bullshit that they try to bury negative events with.

    Yes sir, I like ya.
    -Malvado SV

  2. Fascinating, Before it was "Z is just a white washer". Now It's "shoveling away the bull shit"
    Bravo simian you have completely flip flopped.

    However ignoring the Facetious ape .
    You Z have a good ideal here and I can't wait to hear more dirty little secrets.

    Yours, The Turncoat

  3. Flip-flopping. From someone with the name that generally means 'switching sides' (and betrayal). How cute.

    If you want me to be a vicious insult-slinging douchebag, I can assure you I can do just that. I can turn this middle-of-the-fence mood that I have right now into the usual hateful shit-talking (which shouldn't be taken seriously in the first place). Instead, let me be peaceful and neutral in this small moment of clarity that I have. It works out better for everyone that way.

    -Malvado SV

  4. May I be the first to try and positively condition you, Malvado. Thanks for the feedback, I look forward to seeing more of this diplomatic and thoughtful side of you.

  5. Get screenshots. On forums where the admins are deleting these offenses to hide something get some kind of proof. Even if they say (and they will) that the screenshots have been forged, physical evidence regardless of forgery is still a huge motivating factor to people.

    Build a file on it. Keep track of it. Assume the worst. It is always good to be prepared with an arsenal of information.

    As for the flip-flopping. RLSH and RLSV are very similar. Alot of people on both sides are genuinely nice people. Some have had an easy life, some have had to fight for everything. I am the latter. This is precisely why I aligned myself on this side, I wanted to meet equals. I figured I would find more tortured people on this side of the fence than the other.

  6. Hmmm wonder if Tothian is jealous of all the attention SuperHero has been getting lately?

    Again the RLSV is not really needed beyond commentary. These guys go after one another it seems on a weekly basis.

  7. You misunderstand me friend ape,
    I look at that sort of behavior as a good thing
    and not just because my name means traitor
    but because being able to change your point of view is something not many are capable of.

    Also Z, I was wondering what you may have to say about Master Legend's rant on Homosexuals
    when that boy, I think his name is Atavistick
    brought up the ideal of a meet up during the gay pride march in San Francisco?
    I believe it's still visible in the event section at therlsh

  8. Calamity: I don't need screenshots. I have testimony from RLSH members if you need it. Also, I've built up a rep as a zero-tolerance and zero-bullshit kind of guy within the community. And honestly, this information is more for the new guys and uninformed guys that want to be a part of the movement than anyone else, no offense. I don't have time to write blogs just to make the critics happy.

    Poop Knife is right. Let me add also that I've waited for one of you to take the initiative and join the RLSH forums, either undercover or overtly, to expose the secrets of the community. You haven't. With a group of people that claim to be so vigilant, did you really not expect that one of us would eventually turn that vigilance on our own community? Seriously?

    Turncoat: Master Legend is a disgusting example of the RLSH community. I've seen him act like this before, it's basically what got him banned off the Heroes Network. It's nothing new, but it doesn't make the display any less reprehensible. If any of you have any ideas on how to put him away, or destroy his image in the media, I am totally up for it. The RLSH community is obviously too fucking stupid to renounce him as a colleague.

    One more thing: Calamity, being tortured is not a merit badge. It is a measuring stick to find your way.

  9. I think I may have some ideas, and some plans, contect me at


  10. It would seem this had some effect as Eric has set his pictures to private and taken down everything he wrote on his myspace and set his location to Zaire
    And while I'm not aware if it was Superhero or Eric that did it those two are not Myspace friends any more...tragic

    So Bravo on step one Z old boy

  11. I highly doubt that was my doing, but I do know we're making headway with removing Tothian at least from the community. Or at least the community that matters to the movement.

  12. Z,

    One offers this thought for consideration. While the elimination of Superheroes is our stated desire, this should not extend to the personal information, and the people behind the characters. While I might truly desire Tothian's retirement, I would wish his alter ego no harm (despite him being unmasked). The comfort and safety of masks is not total, and while vigilance to protect yourself must always be taken - why escalate the desire by heroes to retaliate? A sort of "gentleman's agreement" that some aspects, while attractive targets, should be taken off the table?

    Example: Master Legend - kick him everyday he wears the mask, and make him question his calling, but when he takes off the mask, he is free.

    As Villains of course, no matter what is said, the assumption must always be that somewhere, someone is looking to sabatoge you're work. We ARE Villains after all.

    -Lord Malignance
